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Why the Assault Gunboat might save us all

Emphasis on "might". But let’s look at the possibility. Let’s say that in some way Alpha Class alpha strikes, in whatever form, can bust up the two ship meta... and maybe somehow can also TL and eviscerate Biggs quick enough that that Fairship withers a little too. IF... if that somehow happens, I can't see x2-x4 Gunboats becoming the most dominant thing in the meta... meta busting? Maybe?  But oh my, Poe, Vader, A-Wings (I'll post a pic for the newer X-Wing players who don't know what that is), TIE Interceptors (anything PTL Royal), Fenn Rau, etc will eat any mid to low Gunboat for lunch.  They can reposition after the Major and certainly after anybody else.  SLAM turns don't matter, arc is tough, high PS arc dodgers will eat Gunboats up. So how is this helping?  Well IF (again if) the Gunboats can counter the big two ships (and I feel like there's a chance)... they will be able to take that match up enough that I think people will play them. ...

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