Here we go!

2-1-17 (had to republish all of this so stuff is off)

Hello all, this blog is my attempt to log my journey into competitive XWing and Armada play as a grad student/father of 3/husband/teacher/coach/assistant youth pastor/and avid wargamer who has had tons of other game experience, but simply won't play on Sunday so never was able to take anything to the higher level.  Luckily, XWing and Armada are extremely cheap compared to 40k (I have 5 entire companies done of various marines and almost as much other stuff) and seem to have a lot of 1 day and Friday/Saturday events.

I'll also run a massive narrative event at least once each year, mid March, so catch that too!

So follow along as I try to get ready for Hoth at Adepticon (my first truly organized event) and then try to get into the Store-Regional-World cycle starting after this May Worlds is over.

Once April hits, I'll get more detailed and more content... right now my narrative event and Hoth prep dominates all thinking


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