8 (maybe) Activation Rebel Armada list... with no transports too ;)

the littles are coming 
Faction: Rebel Alliance Points: 331/400  Commander: General Rieekan

Assault Objective: Close-Range Intel Scan
Defense Objective: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation Objective: Superior Positions

CR90 Corvette B (39 points)- Dodonnas Pride (6 points) 
= 45 total ship cost

CR90 Corvette B (39 points)
= 39 total ship cost

CR90 Corvette B (39 points)
= 39 total ship cost

CR90 Corvette B (39 points)
= 39 total ship cost

[ flagship ] Modified Pelta-class Assault Ship (56 points)
-  General Rieekan (30 points) 
-  Engineering Captain (6 points) 
-  Shields to Maximum! (6 points) 
= 98 total ship cost

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57 points)
-  Salvation (7 points) 
-  Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7 points) 
= 71 total ship cost

   Yes, I know, I'm short almost 70 points... but I want to put in 2 more Hammerheads though... so hopefully this will leave the points needed for that and maybe a minor upgrade for their flagship... that might be the Neb-B instead of the Pelta.

  Pretty simple tactics here: send the 6 corvettes rushing in... have the Pelta as a more durable and reasonable left hook to the corvettes... but hold the Escort Frigate back and let it throw multi-hit red dice at any problems... man I wish there was someway to have multiple "Salvation" cards.

  Blue dice are nice and reliable and I can't wait to give this list a real game test run.  It feels like its got some potential, but no Squadrons is certainly risky... but once ships die too quickly.... game over 

  The Salvation is the unsung hero here. Crits do two... which is awesome. Then the reroutes kick in... so now you're able to consistently generate two crits and with a little luck you can easily put out 4


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