8 (maybe) Activation Rebel Armada list... with no transports too ;)
the littles are coming
Faction: Rebel Alliance Points: 331/400 Commander: General Rieekan
Assault Objective: Close-Range Intel Scan
Defense Objective: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation Objective: Superior Positions
CR90 Corvette B (39 points)- Dodonnas Pride (6 points)
= 45 total ship cost
CR90 Corvette B (39 points)
= 39 total ship cost
CR90 Corvette B (39 points)
= 39 total ship cost
CR90 Corvette B (39 points)
= 39 total ship cost
[ flagship ] Modified Pelta-class Assault Ship (56 points)
- General Rieekan (30 points)
- Engineering Captain (6 points)
- Shields to Maximum! (6 points)
= 98 total ship cost
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57 points)
- Salvation (7 points)
- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7 points)
= 71 total ship cost
Yes, I know, I'm short almost 70 points... but I want to put in 2 more Hammerheads though... so hopefully this will leave the points needed for that and maybe a minor upgrade for their flagship... that might be the Neb-B instead of the Pelta.
Pretty simple tactics here: send the 6 corvettes rushing in... have the Pelta as a more durable and reasonable left hook to the corvettes... but hold the Escort Frigate back and let it throw multi-hit red dice at any problems... man I wish there was someway to have multiple "Salvation" cards.
Blue dice are nice and reliable and I can't wait to give this list a real game test run. It feels like its got some potential, but no Squadrons is certainly risky... but once ships die too quickly.... game over
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